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Visit our Auckland

Stop by our Auckland display area to find an outdoor fireplace that matches your needs, style, and budget. 

Located at 43 Stanhope Road, Ellerslie, you can visit the 24/7 unstaffed showroom at a time that suits you. All you need to do is request an access code to get inside.

Request your access code ›

Trendz Outdoors Auckland display area

Featured fires

The showroom has three of our most popular designs on display. These include the Douglas, Burton, and Mini Burton.

Douglas Outdoor Fireplace
Burton Outdoor Fireplace by Trendz Outdoors
Mini Burton fireplace by Trendz Outdoors

Get your access code here!

The showroom is unstaffed so you will require an access code to visit. 
Please fill out the form and our team will send you an exclusive entry code so you can access
the display area at your own convenience.